What would a world without theater look like to you? Attention! Whatever I attempt to say might sound precious to the ears of many .... for many who do not have a clearly defined passion for which they would be willing to sacrifice something ... anything ... That being said, a world without theater would be like a land with no harvest, barren, lonely, deserted, gray. I have a picture in my head, if you were able to enter into my mind you would see it. People would survive, of course, we all know that, but ... without soul! And this soul is not just made of theater, it is a mixture of music, painting, dance, poetry without which ... you simply do not exist.
Sar sikavela andar tute jekh sundal/ lumja bi teatrosqe? Așunen! Sode zumavav te phenav aștil te așunel pes but phares andar e but kodolen kaj…andar but dodolen kaj na-I len jekh ćaćo kamipen andar kasqe aștilas te kerel daiși…orso…kadja, jekh sundal/ lumja bi teatrosqe avelas sar jekh phuv pustio, mulo. Si man jekh dikhipen and-o șero, te aștin te intrin and-I mirri godí dikhenas les. Kadja e manușa aștinas te given, ćaćes, savorre geanas kadaja, tha’ bi ilesqo! Thaj kadava ilo na0i kerdo numaj andar o teatro, si jekh humer andar I gili, randiaripen, kelipen, poezia. Bi kadelnța, tu ćaćes san konik, ni san.
She graduated from the University of Theater Arts of Târgu Mureș, with a degree in Acting. She made her debut at the State Theater in Oradea, and since 2008 she has been an actress at the National Opera and Musical Theater "Ion Dacian" in Bucharest. Throughout her career she has collaborated with renowned directors. In 2011 she received a prize for the promotion of Roma culture at the Gala of Excellence of the Roma; in 2012 she won a prize for the best "music-hall" actress at the Roma Women's Gala, and in 2019 she received a Distinguished Appreciation Award from the Government of Romania at the ceremony "Past, present, future” for her artistic performance and the promotion of Roma culture.
Agorisardias I Universitéta vaș o Teatrosqe Arturia andar o Tîrgo Mureș, I aktoriaqi sekcia. Laqo debúto sasas k-o Themutno Teatro andar I Oradea, thaj andar o berș 2008 si aktrica ka-o Themtni Teatro vaș I Opereta vi Muzika ”Ion Dacian” andar o Bukurești.
P-o laqo butiaqo drom kerdias buti bute butpringearde regizorutența.
And-o berș 2011 lias o premio andar o vazdipen e roamni kultutiaqo ka-I Ekceliaqi Gala e Rromenqe, and-o berș 2012 lel o premio andar I so maj laćhi aktrica vaș musical-holl ka-I Rromnienqe Gala, vaj and-o berș 2019 lel andar I rig e Rumuniaqo Guverni I Distinkcia vaș I pakiv ka-I Ceremonia ”Naklo vaht, akanutno thaj avutno vaht” andar laqi bari butí thaj andar o vazdipen e romani kulturaqo.